How to worship a shrine. (神社の参拝方法)
- 1, 神社に到着
- 2, 鳥居をくぐる前に
- 3, This is called a “torii”, a shrine gate leading to shrine and it is a symbol of a shrine.
- 4, This is the boundary between the everyday world and the sacred space.
- 5, First of all, bow before you enter the shrine gate.
- 6, Make sure you walk on the side of the path as it is considered disrespectful to the deities to walk in the middle. The center of the path is for the deities.
- 3, 手水舎(ちょうずや・てみずしゃ)の前で
- 7, This stone basin filled with water is called “temizusha” where visitors can purify themselves by washing their hands and rinsing their mouth before approaching the shrine.
- 8, I will show you how to purify my hands and mouth.
- 9, Take a ladle with your right hand and scoop water, then pour it over your left hand.
- 10, Switch the ladle to your left hand and wash your right hand.
- 11, Switch the ladle to your right hand again and pour water into your left palm.
- 12, Wash your mouth with the water.
- 13, Do not put your mouth on ladle.
- 14, Wash your left hand with the remaining water.
- 15, Hold the ladle vertically to wash the handle and put it back.
- 4, 拝殿の前で
- 16, Put some coin into the offering box, then ring the bell.
- 17, It's not polite to throw coins into the offering box.
- 18, It is said that this ritual awakens the deities in the hope that they will come down to the shrine.
- 19, Bow twice deeply and clap your hands twice, then put your hands together and pray.
- 20, After praying, bow one more time before you leave.
- 5, 覚えておきたい単語
- 6, まとめ
1, 神社に到着
1, Now we are at a Shinto shrine called ~.
2, Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan.
2, 鳥居をくぐる前に
3, This is called a “torii”, a shrine gate leading to shrine and it is a symbol of a shrine.
4, This is the boundary between the everyday world and the sacred space.
5, First of all, bow before you enter the shrine gate.
6, Make sure you walk on the side of the path as it is considered disrespectful to the deities to walk in the middle. The center of the path is for the deities.
3, 手水舎(ちょうずや・てみずしゃ)の前で
7, This stone basin filled with water is called “temizusha” where visitors can purify themselves by washing their hands and rinsing their mouth before approaching the shrine.
8, I will show you how to purify my hands and mouth.
9, Take a ladle with your right hand and scoop water, then pour it over your left hand.
10, Switch the ladle to your left hand and wash your right hand.
11, Switch the ladle to your right hand again and pour water into your left palm.
12, Wash your mouth with the water.
13, Do not put your mouth on ladle.
14, Wash your left hand with the remaining water.
15, Hold the ladle vertically to wash the handle and put it back.
4, 拝殿の前で
16, Put some coin into the offering box, then ring the bell.
17, It's not polite to throw coins into the offering box.
18, It is said that this ritual awakens the deities in the hope that they will come down to the shrine.
19, Bow twice deeply and clap your hands twice, then put your hands together and pray.
20, After praying, bow one more time before you leave.
At a Shinto shrine, the most common worship ritual is Two bows, two claps and one bow.
5, 覚えておきたい単語
拝殿/worship hall
鳥居/shrine gate(tori)
お賽銭/money offering
賽銭箱/offering box
お守り/lucky charm,good luck charm
おみくじ/paper fortune,written fortune
6, まとめ
【神社で使える英語フレーズ20選】「How to visit a shrine in Japan」